a. You can donate in many ways. You can use our bank details Metrobank, Sort Code 23-05-80, Account Number 38256645. You can use these for one off or regular donations. Remember to use a reference if you wish your donation to be allocated to a specific project.
b. You can use Paypal - @exodusyouthworxuk
c. You can use our Local Giving page for one off or regular donations - https://localgiving.org/charity/exodus-youthworx-uk/
d. You can create a fundraiser on Facebook for birthdays
Donations are used to run Exodus Youth Worx UK’s Youth Hub, Food Support Programmes and projects including administrative costs such as insurance, training etc. We also apply for grants throughout the year to cover project and admin costs. If you would like your donation to be restricted to a specific project, just say so.
Donating through Gift Aid means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra. To make a Gift Aid declaration, please contact us for a simple form to complete. You can include all donations from the last 4 years.
If you wish your donation to be used for a specific project or area, please let us know and we will use 100% of your donation as restricted funds. General donations that have not been donated for a specific project will be used towards the running of the Youth Hub, our Food Support Programme. In 2021, around 9% of our income was used on other administrative costs such as printing, training, insurance costs and uniform.
We are run almost entirely by volunteers and couldn’t do this without them. If you would like to volunteer with us, please send an email to tara.hanna@exodusyouthworx.london or use our Contact Us form. You can volunteer with us in different ways and some even from the comfort of your own home. All volunteers aged 17 and above will require an enhanced DBS check.
Most of our roles are filled by volunteers however if you are interested in working with us, please send a CV and cover letter by email to tara.hanna@exodusyouthworx.london so that we may contact you when a vacancy should become available
Please get in touch with us by email with the word “Support” in the subject line so we make sure to prioritise your request. We endeavour to help everyone who asks but, in some instances, it may be necessary to refer you to another organisation, but this will be discussed with you in advance.